We went to our 3rd appt on Thursday. Our doctor had our test results back and every thing is normal! =D She let us listen to the heart beat. She had to chase baby blob around because he/she started moving when she tried to listen. The other really exciting part of this appt is that we got to make our appt for the Anatomy scan which lets you see baby, even the heart chambers but....we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!!! April 9th is the appt. So prayers that everything is still normal.
This ultra sound was used to check for abnormalities. This is around 13 weeks. Everything looked great. It is amazing that such a small little being has hands and fingers and toes. Ricky and I got the chance to watch our little blob wiggle around and wave. We also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. What an amazing feeling!
Now that we are safely into the 2nd Trimester we wanted to create this blog to share the blessing of our baby! The ultrasound below is the very first one we had to confirm the pregnancy. We started to call the baby our baby blob =D